
Text shortcuts allow you to easily create gradient texts or select the font colour that should be used on top of specific theme background colors.


text-on-[color]-[shade]/[opacity]: This sets the appropriate text color for the background color and shade, so if you have a background of bg-primary-900 for example, and want to put text on it, then you could use text-on-primary-900. The shade and opacity are optional. We also provide a token for that which is described in the Background Tokens documentation to make this simpler by just writing primary-900.

Examples: text-on-primary/20, text-on-surface-950/80, text-on-tertiary-600.

text-on-[color]-[shade1]/[opacity1]-[shade2]/[opacity2]: This sets the appropriate text on color for the background color and shade for both light and dark mode.The opacities are optional.

Example: text-on-surface-50-900 becomes text-on-surface-50 dark:text-on-tertiary-900.

text-[color]-[shade]/[opacity]-[shade]/[opacity]: In light mode the text is set with the color and the first shade, and in dark mode the second shade is used instead. The opacities are always optional.

Example: text-surface-950-50 becomes text-surface-950 dark:text-surface-50, text-surface-950/80-50/80.

text-[color]-[shade]-[hover_shade]-[shade]-[hover_shade]: In light mode the text is set with the color and the first shade. When the text is hovered, the first hover_shade is used. In dark mode the second shade is used instead with the second hover_shade. For each shade and hover shade you can also optionally add an opacity /[opacity].

Example: text-surface-200-50-700-950 becomes text-surface-200 hover:text-surface-50 dark:text-surface-700 dark:hover:text-surface-950.

More examples: text-surface-950/70-950-50/80-50.

Hover me (text-surface-900/50-900-50/50-50)

text-inverse-[color]-[shade]-[color]-[shade]: In light mode the text is set with the first color and the first shade, and in dark mode the second color and shade are used. Opacity and shades are optional.

Example: text-inverse-primary-secondary becomes text-primary-500 dark:text-secondary-500.

More examples: text-inverse-primary/90-secondary-400/90.


text-inverse-[color]-[shade]-[hover_shade]-[color]-[shade]-[hover_shade]: In light mode the text is set with the first color and the first shade. When the text is hovered the first hover shade is used. Same thing with the second color and shades, but for dark mode. Opacity can be included for each shade if needed.

Example: text-inverse-primary-500-700-secondary-500-700 becomes text-primary-500 hover:text-primary-700 dark:text-secondary-500 dark:hover:text-secondary-700.

More examples: text-inverse-primary-500/70-500-secondary-400/70-400.

Hover me (text-inverse-primary-500-700-secondary-500-700)

text-gradient-[direction]-[color1]-[shade1]-[color2]-[shade2]-[color3]-[shade3]: This sets a text gradient in the specified direction with the 3 colors. The third color is optional. All shades are optional (500 is the default).

Possible directions: r | l | tr | tl | br | bl | b | t. The default direction is r if no direction is specified.

Examples: text-gradient-br-primary-secondary-tertiary, text-gradient-tertiary-warning.

Easy. Elegant.