
Available background shortcuts that allow you to easily set gradient or mesh backgrounds.

[color]-[shade]: Sets the background color with the corresponding text-on color.

Example: primary-500 becomes bg-primary-500 text-on-primary-500.


bg-[color]-[shade1]-[shade2]: In light mode the background is set with the color and the first shade, and in dark mode the second shade is used instead.

Example: bg-surface-50-950 becomes bg-surface-50 dark:bg-surface-950. Toggle the dark / light switch to see the changes.


bg-inverse-[color1]-[shade1]-[color2]-[shade2]: Sets the first color with the first shade as the background color, and the 2nd color with the 2nd shade as the background color in dark mode. shade is always optional (500 is the default).

Example: bg-inverse-primary-50-surface-800 becomes bg-primary-50 dark:bg-surface-800.

You can also add opacity to each color in the same way you would in Tailwind, by adding / after the color or the shade. The opacity can be 0-100. If you don’t specify a shade the default 500 will be used.

Example: bg-inverse-primary-500/20-surface/33 or bg-inverse-primary/20-surface/20.


bg-gradient-[direction]-[color1]-[shade1]-[color2]-[shade2]-[color3]-[shade3]: Sets the background to be a gradient of the three colors in the specified direction. The direction and shades are optional. It’s also okay to just use 2 colors. For each color you can also specify an opacity.

Possible directions: r | l | tr | tl | br | bl | b | t. The default direction is r if no direction is specified.


bg-mesh-[color]-[shade]/[opacity]-x[percentage]-y[percentage]: This pattern creates a mesh gradient background. The shade and opacity are optional. For the shade the default is 500 and for the opacity the default is 30. The x and y are the coordinates in percent and can be positive or negative values at which the color should be placed (x50-y50, x110-y-10). You can add as many color points as you want.

You additionally will want to set a background color for the container, for example using the light / dark token: bg-surface-50-950 or with surface-50-900 so that text colors are also already properly set.

Examples: bg-mesh-primary/20-x5-y0, bg-mesh-secondary-400/20-x20-y20-success/10-x90-y90-tertiary-x0-y90.

    class="min-h-screen bg-mesh-primary/20-x4-y0-success-x95-y95 text-surface-950-50 bg-surface-50-500"
    This div has a background mesh gradient

bg-radial-[color1]-[shade1]-[color2]-[shade2]-[color3]-[shade3]: This creates a radial background gradient. The third color is optional. The shades are also optional.

Examples: bg-radial-primary-secondary, bg-radial-primary-700-secondary-700-tertiary-700.
