Why Ato-UI?

Describes why you should choose Ato UI.

  • ๐ŸŽฏ offers a design system around headless components
  • ๐ŸŽจ easily integrate different themes into your website
  • ๐ŸŒˆ provides styled components for components which you do not want to style yourself
  • ๐Ÿฆ„ headless code examples with Ato UIโ€™s design tokens for maximum flexibility
  • ๐Ÿ’œ all components follow web accessibility standards because itโ€™s built with Melt UI
  • ๐ŸŒธ build on top of UnoCSS and the Wind preset (Tailwind + Windi CSS), but does not require Tailwind
  • ๐Ÿ˜‰ pure CSS icons
  • ๐Ÿ’ช flexible classes defined through regular expressions are perfect for creating a themeable website
  • โšก variant group preset that allows you to group classes efficiently

Ato UI is build on top of the fantastic Melt UI headless library. The goal of Ato UI is to provide a design system around Melt that allows you to integrate different themes into your website, simplify the creation of light & dark mode with our tokens and shortcuts, and to provide additionaly functionality with our styled components.

While Melt UI provides builders, we provide regular Svelte components. Since you might not want to have to style every component yourself, this will allow you to get started more quickly. These styled components also support light & dark mode out of the box, while still providing props through which you can customize their looks. Additionally, we have examples of how to create the headless components using Ato UIโ€™s design system. This way you can easily modify the components to your liking, while keeping them theme-able and consistent with the rest of your website.

Have questions or improvement ideas? Join us on our Discord .

There are common patterns that we constantly use in Tailwind for defining contrasts, for example between regular and hover states, or regular and dark mode states. For these it would be nice to have shortcuts that just make life a bit easier and reduce the amount of classes that need to be typed.

These shortcuts should also be intuitive and quick to grasp, so rather than feeling like something completely new to learn, they instead feel like a natural extension of the Tailwind classes we are already familiar with.

Ato UI provides a preset that works with UnoCSSโ€™s presetWind to do exactly that. You can read more about individual shortcuts in the Tokens page.

We provide classes that make it easy to define light & dark mode colors.

Example: text-surface-900-50 uses the text-surface-900 color for light mode and text-surface-50 color for dark mode.

Gradients can simply defined in one class. No need to google how to make it work with Tailwind.

Examples: text-gradient-primary-secondary, bg-gradient-secondary-tertiary-700.

Example: text-surface-700-900-200-50 turns into text-surface-700 hover:text-surface-900 dark:text-surface-200 dark:hover:text-surface-50.

You can set both the background color and the corresponding on-color (see the designer page) in one class. We also have convenient classes to create background gradients , mesh gradients , or radial gradients .

Example: primary-500 turns into bg-primary-500 text-on-primary-500.